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Ranking de Experience
Rank NomeLevelPoints
1 Volta Pramin 194 118,517,337
2 Analgesic 186 104,905,985
3 Piruzao Socafofo 185 103,787,065
4 Lucas Maluko 180 95,386,387
5 Neymar Junior 179 92,800,467
6 Pevarck 178 91,337,851
7 Sou Inocente 177 90,643,501
8 Hkey Currentlyuser 177 89,603,687
9 Danzig 176 89,075,167
10 Stephen Curry 176 87,845,620
11 Lamelo Ball 176 87,826,431
12 Spam Kxota 175 86,348,130
13 Debochoque 175 86,325,134
14 Awix 174 85,324,968
15 Botwins 173 84,818,610
16 Lemon With Honey 173 83,798,956
17 Minato 171 80,913,855
18 Mikaely 171 80,695,070
19 Bout Vue 171 80,516,895
20 Zero Um 170 79,055,617
21 Streamer Renantny 169 79,022,385
22 Wilhelm Mehrencyo 169 78,760,145
23 Warz 169 78,225,408
24 Gandalf 168 77,536,448
25 Akkar 168 77,482,497
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